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Biden makes farewell whisper

President Joe Biden did address the nation, to explain his withdrawal from the election, but spoke barely above a whisper. And where’s Jill?



President Joe Biden gave the best proof (of life) the country is likely to see. He did address the nation – from the Oval Office, unusual for him – and, in CNAV’s judgment, looked real. In fact he looked little changed from his July 14 appearance, after the near-assassination of President Donald J. Trump. But that’s the problem – he’s obviously a frail old man who can’t quite bring himself to leave office. Donald Trump rightly said afterward that if he can’t campaign, he can’t serve, either. The country now has two mysteries: where is Jill Biden, and why won’t he resign?

Joe Biden makes a speech

Biden, as mentioned, began speaking at 8:00 p.m. EDT yesterday, from the Oval Office.

The Time video, unaccountably, has three missing segments from the nine-minute to the ten-minute timestamp. Such flaws do not appear in the White House video. Both have available auto-generated transcript, which are the only reliable transcripts of Biden’s speech.

This might or might not be significant: while the President was speaking, his video had only 6,603 views. Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit noticed that, took a screencap, and posted it.

Biden makes a speech and has barely more than 6500 views fifty-two minutes after end of streaming.
Note the very small number of page views on this video, fifty-two minutes after the end of streaming.

A few influencers on YouTube and Rumble are charging that the President’s address was a “deepfake.” In the judgment of CNAV, this is not likely. If it were, one would expect a much more robust appearance than the country saw. As it is, this Biden is the same as ever: frail and occasionally having to repeat himself, as if he forgot what he just said. That’s the real problem: this is the real Biden, and he does not look good. In fact, as RNC Research said:

Christina Laila at The Gateway Pundit thought she saw signs of slight facial paralysis. That would be consistent with earlier reports of his having had a stroke in Las Vegas last week. It might also explain Biden repeating himself when talking about “a winter of peril and possibilities” at his inauguration.


Here is the actual partial transcript:

You know, we’ve come so far since my inauguration. On that day, I told you, as I stood in that winter – we stood in a winter of peril and a winter of possibilities – peril and possibilities – we’re in the grip of the – we were in the grip of the worst pandemic…

And so forth and so on.

So what did he say?

In essence, as RNC Research further said, Biden was saying,

It was a campaign speech without a campaign, a strenuous effort at self-justification. He began by citing previous Presidents whose portraits grace the curved wall of the Oval Office. He named Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in that order. Then he insisted he was defending “democracy.” But later, for the first time, he nodded to Benjamin Franklin, who said America was:

A republic, if you can keep it.

That came much later. Before then, he spoke of an inflection point in American history, and two different directions in which to move. Then he spoke of having to unite his party in the “critical endeavor” of shaping American history. His party, not the country. And though he insisted that his record merited a second term, he must lay “personal ambition” aside. That meant “to pass the torch.” He literally used that phrase.


Yet he will not resign. And by the way, where is Jill? Why has she still not appeared in public?

Flogging his signature issues

In the six months remaining, he will emphasize his signature issues. They are, in this order:

  • The economy (after he wrecked it?),
  • Protecting “the right to vote,”
  • Ensuring a “right to choose” (abortion, that is),
  • Denouncing “hate,” “extremism,” and political violence (unless said violence occurs against Republicans),
  • Gun control,
  • Climate change alarmism,
  • His “cancer moonshot,” referring to a project he has never once described in any detail,
  • Supreme Court reform (of a kind he did not specify, but likely amounting to destroying the Court’s independence), and
  • Ensuring that America remains “strong and secure, and the leader of the Free World.” Which can only mean handing over our sovereignty, first to NATO, then to the UN.

America not at war? Really?

Incredibly, he declared he was:

the first President in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.

Never mind that the United States is at war, if you count continued supply of munitions to Ukraine. Never mind, either, that Donald Trump left a world at peace – everywhere. Biden also said he destroyed the “conventional wisdom … that China will inevitably surpass the United States.” Many who study Asiatic geopolitics for a living would dispute that statement.

He went on to pledge to:

  • Build an anti-Russian coalition in the Ukraine theater,
  • End the Fourth Arab-Israeli War and “bring home all the hostages” (though he shows more support to HAMAS than to Israel) and
  • Bring home any remaining Americans under detention anywhere else in the world.

Biden went through a litany of the problems he said America had at his inauguration:

  • Coronavirus,
  • Economic crisis, and
  • The January 6 Event, which he called “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Biden claims credit where it is not due

Then he took credit for achievements that are either not real or not his. The economy is worse than it ever was when Trump left office. Furthermore the only reason for the economy to have crashed was that Trump lacked the imagination to implement the Swedish Solution to coronavirus. Even so, Biden continued the lockdown policy and preferred handouts to letting people earn a living. The “16 million new jobs” of which he boasts, are not new, but represent people going back to work.

His boasts on the border are worse than ever. He says border crossings today are at a slower pace than when Trump left. If that’s true – and CNAV disputes it – then it is because Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) has deployed his Texas Military Department along the Northern Rio Grande Valley. Whereupon illegal immigrants changed course, from Texas to Arizona. (The New Mexico Boot Heel is too narrow a passage.)


Other “achievements,” while real enough, are of highly dubious value. “The first black woman [on] the Supreme Court” is one of the most intellectually challenged Justices who ever sat. His administration does not “look like America,” because it skews non-white, female, and sexually inverted and perverted.

Endorsement of Kamala Harris

Consistent with this Sunday evening post, he did endorse Kamala Harris – though why he called her “Kay,” is not clear. He called her “tough,” “capable,” and “an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country.” It was then that he gave the nod to Benjamin Franklin (see above). But before he mentioned that, he mentioned a portrait of Franklin hanging on the wall – with:

the busts of Dr. King and Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez.

Mentioning those personalities together, and in connection with Franklin, cannot be clear. But Biden did redecorate the Oval Office when he arrived. He removed the portrait of Andrew Jackson, and installed portrait busts of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Cesar Chavez. Benjamin Franklin replaced Andrew Jackson, so that much of what Biden said is correct.

He ended his speech with a nod to his own beginnings as “a kid with a stutter.” The last phrase he used, which seems to be a commonplace with him, was:

God bless you all, and may God protect our troops.

The reason for that is far from clear, if America is “not at war anywhere in the world.”


Re-framing a narrative – not convincingly

Mike LaChance at The Gateway Pundit reported late last night that liberal commentators (and former Obama administration officials) are all pushing a new narrative. According to it, Biden “walked away from power for the good of the country.” Never mind that he was going to lose – and by all indications, Kamala Harris will still lose. LaChance provided three examples:

Concerning David Axelrod, two and a half weeks ago he was urging Biden to drop out. He called Biden “dangerously out of touch” and said he would lose in a landslide.

Tellingly, that segment begins with a clip of Biden dropping out of the 1988 Presidential race. He said then he was staying in the Senate to keep the Supreme Court from turning conservative. Not only did he famously fail (with the confirmation of Clarence Thomas), but Michael Dukakis, the eventual nominee, also lost.

In any case, Joe Biden obviously had a good speechwriter, who nevertheless wrote a pack of lies. But Biden could barely deliver it. If he believes half of what he said last night, then he is living in a world of his own.

Why won’t Biden resign – and where is Jill?

Why he chooses to stay in office for another six months, is as clear as mud. If he really had the best interests of the country at heart, he would resign. For that matter, if he wanted to help Kamala win, he would resign and let her succeed to the office. He has done neither. Why?


And where is Jill? Why hasn’t she made any public appearances at all? In fact no one even knows whether she is in the White House, or their Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home. That’s utterly uncharacteristic of her – so what is going on?

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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