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Fighting the wars of others

FIghting the wars of others is a losing proposition for the United States and serves only to continue the kill-off of the population.



Fighting the wars of others

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 25th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking primarily about the wars currently ongoing on the border of Russia and Ukraine as well as the wars in the Middle East between Israel and other countries and various terrorist groups all supported and supplied by the various state enemies of Israel. The question for this Report is, do these wars have anything to do with our national interests? And if not, why are we fighting them and why are we even involved in them?

Programming note

Next week I will be involved in some personal issues near week’s end and so I will not be with you next Friday. This is, therefore, my pre-election Castle Report but God willing I will join you again on Friday the 8th of November.

Why are we fighting other peoples’ wars?

I suppose Ron Paul had the best line I’ve heard about the US commitment to fighting wars that have nothing much to do with American interests.

When you take on the role of the world’s policeman, don’t be surprised when countries who cannot fight their own wars call 911. Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)

Yes indeed, that is what is happening now. And it continues to threaten America and the future of our people by:

  1. Bankrupting them, by
  2. Abusing and stealing their labor, and by
  3. Threatening to drag them into another World War.

I read the other day that President Biden is concerned that he will be leaving office without having established a foreign policy legacy. I strongly disagree with that concept and with President Biden if that is indeed his concern. He has a foreign policy legacy. It’s one of expending American blood and treasure in wars that do nothing for America except advance the cause and careers of neocons and line the pockets of defense contractors. I don’t want to forget the satanic goals of the world’s globalists. Because his legacy certainly helps their cause of world depopulation and global government.

The Ukraine wars – or a continuation of the same war

It seems right now that Ukraine is on the verge of losing its war with Russia that started as a US led and inspired coup in 2014. By the way, I noticed that the author of that coup, Victoria Nuland, a woman who has served each administration for 30 years, just retired. I supposed she was able to see the end of her dream of continuous never-ending war perhaps ending after the US election. But who knows why she is stepping down from such a glorious stage?


A few days ago, the president of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky, came to the United States to campaign for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. He also used the trip to demand more money and more weapons from the American taxpayers. His real reason for coming was to present his victory plan to American politicians. His plan is delusional in its demands which if agreed to would have immediate catastrophic effects for the United States and Europe.

Zelensky demands WHAT!?

He wants immediate NATO membership for Ukraine which would of course plunge NATO, including the United States, into the quagmire. He wants NATO defensive strikes against incoming Russian missile attacks as well as permission to use US and NATO long range missiles for attacks into Russia including Moscow and St. Petersburg. His real intent is obvious and that is to draw the US and NATO into his war since he is down to the proverbial last Ukrainian. Step up he says, step up and fight the country with the world’s most nuclear weapons. Step up and join in a nuclear conflict that is completely unrelated to you.

Mr. Zelensky also gave information to the Washington Post that North Korean troops are training inside Russia for deployment to the front lines. He warned that the alliance between Russia and North Korea is more than just exchanging missile technology., He said several thousand North Korean infantry soldiers are undergoing training in Russia. South Korea termed the reports “highly likely” but Russia called it a hoax.

A false-flag pseudo-training exercise

I would call it complete nonsense and another false effort to get the United States to commit to a war that has nothing to do with us. The United States, with the most sophisticated satellite surveillance technology in the world, I am certain, could detect several thousand North Koreans training in Russia, so nonsense and think of something else Mr. Zelensky. But, if North Koreans are in Russia, I also remember when Cuba sent several thousand Cuban troops to Angola to fight for the communist world revolution and the US managed to stay away from that quagmire.

No, should be the US answer and a firm no at that. No more weapons, no more money, we can help you with negotiations for peace if you want but nothing else. The US finds itself in a position in the world where it is involved in two bloody wars neither of which concern the national interest of the United States and neither of which could continue without US assistance.


Other wars two: the Israel-Gaza War

The attack of October 7, 2023, by Hamas against Israel created a certain reaction of revulsion and anger within most of the people of the United States. We stand with Israel we hear quite often these days and we even hear it from the pulpits of many of our protestant churches.

Our reaction was one of outrage, grief and concern for the 1200 people killed and the many hostages taken by the Hamas terrorists. The stories of rape, torture and murder of women and children would provoke any civilized people to righteous anger. Right now, as a response to that attack Israel appears to have launched a war of annihilation against the Palestinians in Gaza. The same civilized world, outraged by the Hamas attacks is now seeing corpses pile up in the streets of Gaza. Some 41000 corpses to be exact although I question where that figure comes from and wonder whether it is accurate. It is nevertheless a lot of corpses and apparently most of them are women and children.

Israel and its plans

The fact that the corpses are mostly women and children is not hard to believe. Urban combat is the most destructive kind of war for the innocent civilians. There is a lot of propaganda and a lot of AI, I know. But sometimes videos and even pictures can be moving and convincing. The other day I saw a picture of a Palestinian woman holding the body of her dead baby. It moved me, I’ll tell you that. The politicians and bureaucrats plan their wars and launch their attacks, but the soldiers and civilians fill the cemeteries of the world. I wonder when people will stop believing them and start saying no to more war for this cause or that, most of which mean absolutely nothing for the rest of us.

The Israelis also apparently intend to invade and occupy the southern part of Lebanon, and of course they could not accomplish that without first degrading the military and command structure of Iraq and Syria. Once that formidable task is accomplished they would be free to take on and destroy Iran thus leaving the region virtually unopposed to Israeli objectives whatever they happened to be. The problem is that the Israeli military and the population of Israel have nowhere near the capacity to accomplish such goals alone. Thus, the need to bring the United States into the war to help attack and destroy Iran and its military just as Zelensky wants to do in Ukraine.

American boots actually on the ground?

I look forward to the day when the leadership of the United States will say, no to such demands. The United States maintains a state-of-the-art military for the defense of the United States and its national interests and for no other reasons. We will not allow our blood and treasure to be sacrificed for the goals of others. If you want to embark on a war against a much stronger opponent or a combination of opponents against whom you cannot possibly prevail well then, good luck.


In support of Israel’s efforts to get the United States into the battle against Iran, the United States has agreed to station one or perhaps two THAAD air defense systems inside Israel each manned by about 100 troops to operate them. That these US military men and women are stationed inside Israel is an absolute outrage and we the people should express that outrage to our leadership and future leadership. They are illegally engaged in combat against an enemy that is not our enemy and worse, they are there as a tripwire to provoke the US to a reason to attack Iran.

Comparing Israel to other foreign wars in recent American history

The United States, in all likelihood, will soon start taking casualties inside Israel which will create a media blitz for more US involvement and retaliation. I would be in favor of giving Israel the same notice I recommended for Zelensky, i.e. no more money and no more weapons. So figure a way out of this without conquering your neighbors or you are on your own. You are very good at making war so find a way to make peace or make your own war without us.

I know folks, I know, Hamas started it and Hezbollah is worse and they both deserve it. But we are civilized people are we not? We, as civilized people are not supposed to gloat while innocents are being killed. We don’t rejoice or just look away from the corpses of women and their babies in the streets of cities in countries that hardly any Americans could find on a map. In Vietnam, the United States dropped more bombs into those jungles than were dropped on Germany in World War II. In Iraq the United States was responsible for the deaths of some 500,000 Iraqis before the mission was accomplished, but it never was. The mission goes on and on in an endless cycle of war, famine, death and destruction and the average American can just watch it all on the news.

What will Trump do?

Those are real corpses though, and sooner or later those chickens will come home to roost. They are already roosting in some respects since the US has more than 35 trillion in debt and spends about two trillion more than revenue each fiscal year. Ominously, interest is getting ever closer to revenue. If that were all it would be bad enough. But there are more and more problems with the new woke but high tech military. A genuine and thorough house cleaning seems to be desperately needed.

I had and still have high hopes for Donald Trump in all this although there are some disturbing signs. He says he can stop the Ukraine war very quickly. In his speech at the Al Smith dinner he said he will start work on that as soon as he is elected, which means before inauguration. I recommend that speech by the way. It is about 30 minutes but well worth your time.


What are the disturbing signs that I mentioned?

Nikki Haley is the first and most disturbing sign. She is Ms. Neocon and one of the worst people in the world. If you want continual war with no purpose except profit, then certainly you need Nikki. She has hated Trump so far but now has endorsed him and said she will campaign for him. Tell her no Donald. Tell her to go back to her Neocon world and stay out of your administration. Tell her that you have asked Tulsi Gabbard to be Secretary of Defense and that should do it. I so wish you would appoint Tulsi to that job because Neocon hearts would fail across the world.

The Neocons and their globalist friends, and I know that you know who I am talking about, are in this for the long game. They see any compromise as a victory and just another step on the road to their ultimate goal of a world government run by them. The Russians have an expression for that tactic they call it KTO KORO or Kee Ke Vo in the Russian. It was first used by Lenin and Stalin used it as well to mean the ultimate march to ultimate victory. You can negotiate and compromise from time to time. But the march to the victory of communism over the Western economies would continue until victory was assured.

Compromises lead to more wars – does Trump know this?

My analogy today is that the globalists and Neocons are using the same tactics. I hope and pray that Donald Trump, if elected, will cast them away and tell them to never come around the White House again. These globalist depopulators are murderous in the implementation of their schemes. They live in a dark world where mass murder seems OK to them if it advances their agenda of depopulation and global control.

In conclusion, folks, American law has long forbidden the transfer of weapons and other aid to nations engaged in gross human rights violations. How can we continue to talk of a rules based international order and still support such things or engage in them ourselves.

Who is running the White House – and who would run it for Kamala Harris?

Finally, folks, someone has been running the executive branch for Joe Biden for the several years that dementia has taken his mind from him. Who are those people because they would also run it in place of Kamala Harris. She is an actress playing a role, rather badly I submit, and people who vote for her must know that they are reducing the United States into a system similar to the Soviets in that a committee or secretariat makes the decisions in place of the figurehead. That’s where we are now and our future and that of our progeny depend on the good sense of the American people right now at this moment and that is nail-bitingly tense. Nevertheless, may God’s will be done.


At least that’s the way I see it.

Until November 8th folks,

This is Darrell Castle.

From; appears by arrangement – Ed.

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Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at


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