Peak woke has arrived, if not in America's populous coastal cities, then definitely in Texas and in "Flyover Country" - Red territory.
America is an occupied country - occupied by evil educators, mediocre and preachy talents, and politicians who set people to hate each other.
Americans are seeing at least two different movies, about the out-of-control suspect or the brutal cop. But are pols making their own movies?
As Obama did before him, Biden misjudges Russia and especially its leader, Vladimir Putin, descendant of Mongols and taking neither nonsense nor prisoners.
The government is outsourcing its worst lies to semi-private operators - big tech and big media. But some officials are resisting.
Vaccine passports are the ideal instrument of oppression: an internal passport for travel in-country. They are anathema to human liberty.
The Biden-Harris administration, as they would like people to call it, is a geopolitical disaster. We saw this first with Russia and now with China.
The economic plan of the Biden administration will lead to failure. Is the administration being stupid? Or is failure their intent?
The goal and result of cancel culture is the disintegration of the American nation. Only a determined people who still love their country can stop it.
31 Representatives actually proposed alternative handling of nuclear launch codes. This raises the question of who is minding them now.