Middle East expert Daniel Pipes focuses public attention on a distinction between Muslim moderates and extremists. He also distinguishes between Islamism and militant Islam from Islam...
George Weigel, the Catholic theologian, wrote this about Islam in Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism (2008):
Back in 1985, I wrote an article on Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Intercollegiate Review. I bring this article to your attention because I therein revealed...
Security has ever been the mantra of Israeli prime ministers. Why did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently say, in effect, that his fondest wish is to...
I don’t know if there is such a thing as the Jewish Mind. But since the appearance of Raphael Patai’s 600-page tome bearing this title, perhaps...
America is losing the war because she defines her enemy as “Islamic terrorism.” Islamic terrorism is only a tactic the enemy employs to distract Americans. The...
A few intellectually honest and unafraid human beings have begun to identify the enemy of Western Civilization. The enemy is unabbreviated Islam, Islam without any qualifying...
Many people think of Benjamin Netanyahu as a “realist” or “pragmatist”. Realists in America like to trace their realism to the Alexander Hamilton. They flatter themselves....
No Presidential candidate dares mention the paganism of present-day liberalism. This paganism parallels the Islamic terrorism of which President Obama, a neo-pagan, remains silent. Common sense...
Religion, as a set of ideas concerning the universe, has much in common with philosophy. But more than philosophy, religion involves a love of God. That...