Bill Gates has far fewer followers than he pretends, and in any case is a usurper bent on depopulation, another word for mass murder.
A radical proposition: political parties do not exist and have no standing. A wicked party is a strawman to excuse political laziness.
Thomas Paine referenced the Scripture in teaching men to throw off the tyrant in England, showing men as to whom they are to submit to.
A reminder: the Constitution lets Congress set the penalty for treason, and Congress set it – as death at maximum, and disqualification.
With Proposal 3, to codify a "right" to abortion in Michigan's Constitution, Michigan's government makes itself a death cult.
Actions speak louder than words, and Christ's death on the Cross speaks a greater love than any words ever could.
Heretical practices now abound in many churches – including grave soaking, or trying to draw the Holy Spirit out of someone’s grave.
The FBI arrested a man for a sermon, and for peaceful protest in the January 6 event. They are trying to send a brutal message to...
The government of the United States belongs to the people, not to any one person. Not even the President can claim to be the government.
Bradlee Dean holds that inflation is a crime against the people, and wonders why our representatives won’t stop it. Do any of them merit respect?