The Department of Homeland Security, unconstitutional on its face, is actually engaged in baby trafficking. View the details for yourself.
We seem to need new conspiracy theories, as all the old ones have proved to be fact. As Bradlee Dean showed, as a target of censorship.
Antifa, BLM, and groups like them take money from those they should despise, to provoke violence. But one can confront them politely but firmly.
Jesus came not to send peace but a sword. Today the gun is the modern sword, and the Bible says nothing about laying it aside.
Franklin Graham has failed to act when circumstances demand it, and is too quick to apologize for the enemies of the faith.
Gun owners in America in effect face group punishment, if a few criminals make everyone else lose their rights through their wrong acts.
The people of the United States must now answer for forty-nine years of inaction. The blood of 63 million victims now waits for atonement.
The FBI, according to Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas), acts like the Gestapo, seeming to attack opponents of the President for political reasons.
The Church should have a military mind-set to engage in proper and effective spiritual warfare. The American church has forgotten that.
Gay Pride Month presumes to celebrate that which certain laws, still on the books, make unlawful. America must address that fault.