The desert whales of northern Chile highlight another, more-enduring mystery: seashells on mountaintops. How did they get there? Whoever can answer that riddle can explain much...
It’s that time of year again—for the Running of the Lists. Not for children. For merchants.
If a certain New Jersey State Senator has her way, New Jersey will go at once from the easiest State for homeschooling to the hardest.
The pod of 80 ancient baleen whales in the Atacama Desert has excited paleontologists everywhere — and caused much controversy here. Herewith a clarification of the...
The original Climategate source released another trove of documents and e-mails yesterday. The evidence is just as damning.
Several TEA Party activists, and others who call themselves Patriots, do not accept the status quo and want a third party to replace the Republicans and...
Two New Jersey men behind the most comprehensive legal challenge to the health care reform bill are raising the stakes: they want two Justices to recuse...
The MF Global Holdings scandal exploded today, when a bankruptcy trustee said that twice as much money as everyone thought is missing.
An earthquake actually warns people in advance, if they know where to look. And a comprehensive creation theory shows how and why.
The desert whales of Chile’s Atacama Desert pose an embarrassing riddle for paleontologists: they testify directly to a global flood.