Ron Paul takes positions on foreign policy and immigration that are deal-killers. And in tonight’s debate, he killed the deal.
All the loose talk about civility is now useless. Someone has developed a video game in which players murder Tea Party figures and allies.
Are conservatives making a mass migration to conservative States? Will that change the government, or replace one problem with another?
Walt Brown believes in creation, and a planet-wide flood. Is he “ignorant,” as some say? Or does the physical evidence favor him?
The rhetoric from some Members of Congress vindicates the anonymous source who predicted that Barack H. Obama would start a race war. Worse yet, a group...
Why is Rick Perry promoting a Muslim-friendly curriculum in Texas schools—and who is covering up the Rick Perry/Aga Khan connection?
The Republicans have scheduled two debates in September—and for the later one, you can propose questions to ask the candidates.
A House committee is considering a bill to reform the United Nations as a condition for further funding of that body by US taxpayers. The sponsors...
The latest resignations and reassignments from Operation Fast and Furious do not satisfy its critics, who call them a “shell game.” Furthermore, whistleblowers—and a stolen diplomatic...
Today the Obama administration sacrificed several key players in Operation Fast and Furious. That might not satisfy the key men in Congress.