The head of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem has a simple message for President Obama: Mind your own business, and quit interfering with our self-defense. Richman’s...
The Middle East gets more agitated every day, as the Arabs prepare protests, for the first time, on the day they lost the Six-Day War of...
Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) has always been a global warming alarmist. He still is, despite pulling out of RGGI recently. A conservative sounds the alarm on...
The PR war over Israel is more intense this year than in past years. Meanwhile, Israel is preparing for hot wars. PR war in perspective “Public...
The Democrats have drawn their battle lines on the debt ceiling debate. The Tea Party wants to know where the Republican lines are. House to vote...
Gold and silver coins are now legal tender in Utah—and worth their weight in gold. This signal is as much financial as political. The Legal Tender...
Arabs living in Jerusalem do not want a Palestinian state. And several legal experts now say that it would break international law. Palestinian state not wanted...
The study of Noah’s Ark began 300 years ago with a Jesuit priest named Athanasius Kircher. Not until today has anyone studied the Ark in the...
Moon water is not just on the surface of the moon. It lies beneath, and in proportions close to those in Earth’s mantle. Moon water discovered...
Paleontologists have found sea predators on land, in the wrong layer. Only a cataclysmic Flood could have put them there. The latest sea predators The journal...