The Jesus of the Bible is much stronger, and bolder, than the American church portrays Him today. Those who rediscover Him, follow Him.
The Vatican is a special place to hundreds of millions, especially during Advent Season and at Christmas, a solemn occasion.
The War of Israel against Gaza divides more than leftists. It divides conservatives, and along theological lines.
Crime only increases under our lax system of justice – lax in law as well as its interpretation. God gave us rules to prevent crime.
Two secularistic political scientists insist on restricting the speech of some to protect the dignity of others.
A couple gave up their dying child’s heart for Martin Luther King’s grandson. This illustrates the sacrifice the Lord made for us all.
Americans have shrunk from enforcing the Law of Moses, once the basis for American common law. Other countries are enforcing that Law.
In contrast to the hirelings of today, Jesus Christ and especially His Apostles and earliest disciples were profiles in great courage.
The U.S. Supreme Court sent back for trial the case of a man forced out of a job for not wanting to work on Sunday.
In every book of the Bible, Jesus Christ bears direct mention or as a Metaphor in context. For the entire Bible, He is the Unifying Theme.