The Center for Medical Progress released a two-minute trailer today, a preview of yet another coming attraction in the Human Capital series. The judge who first...
Soft judges produce hardened criminals! The Los Angeles Times reports, “State by state, the death penalty is losing ground.” They should have just reported that “State by...
Everyone admires persistence, except when one persists in error. Bill O’Reilly stands guilty of persisting in error. Last night (19 August), and again tonight, he held...
The root causes of our approaching national demise may be many but most could have been averted had any branch of government honored their oaths of...
Donald Trump’s immigration plan still dominates the news cycle, more than twenty-four hours later. Yesterday, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano asserted, but did not prove, the Fourteenth Amendment...
Donald Trump released his eighteen-point immigration plan yesterday. Any news organ having an objective mission would give each point as much attention as any other. All...
Last month we covered the Liberal Mind in Part I of this two-part series. That article detailed the absolutely incomprehensible conclusions the liberal mind can deduce...
America stands at a crossroads. No nation can survive when its own leaders betray it.
In evaluating the fitness and competence of the various candidates competing for the Presidency of the United States, the voter will surely wonder about a candidate’s...
Barack Obama defended his Iran deal before his favorite type of sycophant: college students. Of course he said different things about it a few years earlier....