Two years ago, CNAV looked at whether totally private roads could connect everyone. CNAV took this on after someone complained that “in the Ayn Rand world,” no one would...
Yesterday the incredible happened. The Obama administration prepared a real Trojan Horse law. Call it “Obamatrade,” the common name for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. For years he...
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” So says William Blum at the United...
Yesterday (9 June 2015), our alien “President,” Barack H. Obama, spoke to the Catholic Health Association. He spoke on the subject of his signature law, Obamacare, alias...
A three-judge appellate panel today unanimously upheld a Texas law to set safety standards for clinics that offer abortion. As a result only eight abortion mills...
Last night Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey had some bitter words for his likely rival, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.). He said those words at a...
“Patriot Act” and your evil twin “USA Freedom Act”: R.I.H.* where you belong! The Patriot Act was not put into place to protect you; it’s there...
Once again, for now, you are secure in your telephony metadata “papers” against unreasonable search and seizure. You are also secure in the “papers” another place...
The Bible is for the government of the People, by the People and for the People. –John Wycliffe Just in the month of May, we...
Last week, the Senate failed twice to stop debate on two bills to try to keep the Patriot Act alive in one form or another. The...