The Global War on Terror is being used to bring in a Global Government of Terror.
How many? This third week of January, many will be participating in rallies and special events to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....
If the American people would simply judge Barack Obama and his administration the way that Jesus commanded them to (Luke 6:44) it would have been all...
America’s Constitutional Republic was designed by men who understood that government’s proper role was to protect our God-given rights – not to solve our problems. Based...
This week, Muslim terrorists made the news in their typical bloody way. The latest mini-war in France came to a bloody end yesterday. Casualties numbered twenty:...
The new year brought with it old concerns – especially regarding the vulnerability of American citizens, including a worldwide increase in Islamic terrorists’ activities. As the...
Instead of sitting down satisfied with the efforts we have already made, which is the wish of our enemies, the necessity of the times, more...
Chatter among those in Movement Conservative reached epic proportions as social media outlets buzzed with horror when John Boehner was re-elected as Speaker of the House....
Since shortly after Christmas 2014, a grass-roots movement has gained force among Republican voters. They do not want Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) to stay on as...
The sodomites are being used in an attempt to overthrow God’s moral law in hopes of upending the United States Constitution. They are doing this by...