Think Israelis are copacetic with SARS-CoV-2 lockdowns? Think again! A significant portion of them want to be free of them, and free in general.
The manipulators of the SARS-CoV-2 lockdowns and now the election are using love against the American people, to destroy what it means to be an American.
Vaccine companies have always enjoyed immunity from liability or damages from side effects of their preparations. SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are no exception.
The new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine preparations do not have universal acceptance. Up to 75 percent in Israel alone intend to refuse them.
The hypocrisy of political leaders not adhering to their own SARS-CoV-2 related restrictions knows no bounds and casts doubts on the narrative.
Several State governors, notably that of Oregon, promote policies at war with common law. But the people don't hold their representatives to that standard.
The people of Germany are openly defying public-health orders and thronging places like Berlin's Tiergarten to defy all lockdowns.
Church leadership should be telling people to follow Christ, not petty tyrants. Too many ministers twist Scripture to suit their own fears.
The Michigan Supreme Court has spoken: Governor Whitmer cannot require masks. So why do nosy busybodies still play the enforcer?
Insanity has taken over American political and legislative discourse. How else to describe the attacks on Trump and his nominees?