Two of the finest institutions of higher education in the United States, Columbia and Cornell, have been identified as leading the list of “most anti-Semitic,” as...
Advocates of socialism, like Bernie Sanders, want the American people to believe they will be rained upon by a plethora of free stuff, like manna from...
Let us contrast some results of the New Hampshire Primary of this year with a study made in 1979 reported by the eminent Prof. Samuel Huntington.
Academics, for many years, have foisted on foreign policy makers the doctrine of “conflict resolution.” What makes these academics believe that conflicts between liberal democracies and...
Ross Douthat calls the rise of Donald Trump as a “Revolt against Decadence”; the decadence magnified by post-American President Barack Obama (Jerusalem Post, February 3, 2016).
The significance Israel’s conflict with the Muslim-Arabs of the Palestinian Authority has been trivialized by political scientists and journalists throughout the world. Let me start this...
The University of Missouri has been the location of several anti-Semitic acts that the president, Tim Wolfe, appeared reluctant to address. The final vile act, which...
The term Western civilization was very much the creation of American intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century. The term denoted the world outlook that...
A most politically significant manifestation of cognitive dissonance occurs every day in democratic societies, and it has disastrous effects on their foreign and domestic policies.
We live in “age of atrocity” as well as in “age of stupidity,” an age in which “higher” education is steeped in Nihilism, a philosophy of...