Christendom, and the world generally, face a crisis. People must now decide whose authority will govern their thinking. This applies equally to how they live to...
The Democratic convention was replete with accolades about the accomplishments of Hillary Clinton. In true Clinton style, her machine made every effort to pander to groups she...
The Democratic National Convention has been the focus of this week’s news. As one would expect, the progressive organization has been doing its best to paint...
“….Whenever the legislators endeavour (sic) to take away, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of War with...
“Most people don’t really want the truth, they just want a constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.” Paul of Tarsus said something similar...
Astronomers and astrophysicists are revealing with increasing frequency the compatibility of the Torah with the most recent discoveries in science. A recent article in one of...
I was trained in 1989 to be a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, which is what I am now. Between the years of 1996 through 2007 while...
Next month it will be an entire year since the SAPPA Group and Nicholas E. Purpurafiled the lawsuit, Purpura V. Christie, in the Federal District Court...
Who knew? Who knew the Super Bowl would become embroiled in the pro-life conflict? For all you football deficient people out there who were watching “Say Yes...
The term “scapegoat” was used in the Bible when two goats were symbolically chosen on the Day of Atonement to bear the sins of the children...