Most people know Bill Nye as “The Science Guy,” from his children’s science show that ran from 1993 to 1998. Today, Ken Ham, of Answers in...
At the end of the year, the Pew Research Center published another survey on public attitudes about human evolution. Pew last took this survey in 2009....
Although it stopped just short of redefining marriage, yesterday’s Supreme Court decision supporting same-sex marriage is more than just a tragedy – it is evidence that...
Tina Dupuy recently called on government, or maybe voters (she never made clear), to “save our schools from Creationism.” I’m sure Ms. Dupuy believes her argument...
Three days ago, Michael Flannery at Evolution News and Views suggested that without Darwin, the worlds of science and faith would look vastly different today. He...
Creation was once the ruling paradigm of science. A century and a half ago, it fell out of favor. Now it’s coming back, as people realize...
Evolutionists allege a long age for the earth because their model depends on it. They justify it only by misinterpreting and misconstruing both historical fact and...
This morning, another type of creation advocate sent me a message at the domain of the Creation Science Hall of Fame. Some advocates choose not to...
C. S. Lewis was not always a Christian. He was still an atheist when, in 1925, he first questioned evolution. He knew its claims, from unguided...
Panspermia — the idea that life is seeding itself everywhere in the universe — is suddenly popular again. The finding of the “stuff of life” in...