The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when...
“Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.” So said John Locke. Someone needs to tell that to mayors of sanctuary cities.
The Bible is filled with an extraordinary amount of wisdom that can be gleaned from political controversies in the far past. One such book is that...
How is it that Americans have tolerated a people that cry “Death to America” without, and “Let them in” by traitors within? (Corrupt politicians and “useful...
“The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” Paul Ryan exemplifies that proverb.
When you elect a Chicago community organizer who was never qualified for the office that he has been entrusted to hold, who clearly hates America, who...
Fools, of which many abound, who think that Donald Trump slipped when he called the judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit a Mexican, quite clearly...
Trump is not a liberal nor a conservative…he’s a pragmatist! To a certain extent Ben Carson also fits this mold.
It has been reported that President Obama’s liberal immigration policy is set to accept more immigrants from Muslim nations over the next five years than the...
Regardless of whether you support Ted Cruz, even though in your heart and your brain you know he is not eligible to hold the office of...