Soon after the horrific bombing of the World Trade Center, I happened upon a television production of the history of Islam presented by PBS, an American...
Part I. What is a Jew? This question is more relevant than ever because the core of the conflict between democratic America and Israel on the...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today I will be discussing the decision by President Trump to withdraw the United States from the...
A few weeks ago, I turned on my computer, and saw the most outrageous video of the year. The “brave” teenage and twenty-something Palestinian “revolutionaries” in...
In this post-Holocaust era, the government of Poland is denying any complicity with the German Nazi war machine. Rather, it claims to have accepted European Jewry...
What do 1948, 1967, 1973 – in fact every situation of total war where the modern State of Israel was fully committed to victory – have...
During the 2016 Presidential election, a number of Christian personalities began making a comparison between the ancient Persian King, Cyrus, a heathen king who God used...
C-Span has a dedicated propagandist program that reaches millions of viewers. It works on the basis of having the viewing audience call in, vilifying Israel or...
Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state. By Victor Sharpe. (Lulu Press, 2018)
“A people may be unprepared for good institutions, but to kindle a desire for them is a necessary part of the preparation.” John Stuart Mill so...