Who is Barack Obama? He has had three different names, and the documents that should tell his story are missing or changed. Anyone seeking the office...
Barack H. Obama is at war with the nation’s courts. He fired the first salvo on Monday, and an appellate court answered him. He has probably...
The Tea Party group in Arizona that first challenged the Obama birth certificate, now are petitioning Arizona’s legislature. The object: to force Arizona’s Secretary of State,...
The Supreme Court challenge to the health care reform bill should have been arcane and easy to work around. The media don’t think so. Whether they...
The Supreme Court has finished its three-day lesson. Now comes the final exam, with the papers due at about the time that final exams run in...
The Arizona legislature is fighting an Obama eligibility battle over a bill to make candidates prove they are eligible to their offices. The problem: Republican legislatures...
George Zimmerman acted in justifiable self-defense after all when he shot Trayvon Martin in his neighborhood. A witness has stepped forward to confirm an account he...
Recently, 16 innocent villagers died horribly in Afghanistan. The Army says that they died at the hands of one of their own, Staff Sergeant Robert Bales....
Seventeen years ago, a young United States Attorney told sympathetic listeners that “we must really brainwash people” against guns. He really meant to “brainwash” away the...
As the American Civil Liberties Union prowls the land to muzzle public prayers, rip out Ten Commandments monuments and terrify small towns over nativity scenes, help...