The American church seems less willing to fight for faith and liberty than the early church was. While a secular establishment fights - and wins.
Think Israelis are copacetic with SARS-CoV-2 lockdowns? Think again! A significant portion of them want to be free of them, and free in general.
To those wishing Republicans would concede and move on from this election, Rep. AOC (D-N.Y.) made that impossible by threatening our lives.
The Michigan Supreme Court has spoken: Governor Whitmer cannot require masks. So why do nosy busybodies still play the enforcer?
Burn your masks, says attorney Katherine Henry of Michigan, after the Michigan Supreme Court declared the governor's lockdowns unconstitutional.
At least two federal district judges have declared State SARS-CoV-2 lockdown orders unconstitutional infringements on liberty.
Our society might never return to normal if normal means having a vaccine. Which the government will not let you collect damages from.
Bill Gates, who insists vaccine opponents "kill children," advocates vaccines with dangerous ingredients against a disease no worse than the flu.
The thin blue line is a hard reality, and all that stands between ordered liberty and the tyranny that a globalist elite wants to establish.
As summer stops the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the conditioning toward the new normal begins. And it is neither normal nor necessary.