The American Patriot in 2014 is a frustrated human being. Many have been sounding the alarm that our country is being torn asunder by the incompetent,...
James Risen, old-line reporter for The New York Times, thought the world changed in 2009. Like nearly everyone else at The New York Times (where he...
The events of the last eight days in Ferguson, Missouri have called the country’s attention to a disturbing trend. America now has the most militarized police...
Riots and looting broke out in Ferguson, Missouri, again last night. But then a dozen people did something that offers hope. When the police dared not...
Yesterday Ferguson, Missouri got a new commander-on-the-scene in charge of policing: Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol. He and Chief Jackson of the Ferguson...
Regular readers know the United States Department of Justice has prepared for martial law for years. They have placed up-armored Army and Marine surplus vehicles with...
We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,...
As someone who is considered to be a grassroots activist, I often find myself talking “politics” with many who are interested just for the sake of...
This article was written by [Dwight Kehoe] in response to and because of a conversation [he] had with a TPATH reader. His identity will, at his...
The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam...