Many Americans celebrate Memorial Day in many ways, and many towns commemorate the day with a parade as tribute to both living and deceased veterans. This...
Patrick O’Donnell’s Plain Dealer articles of April 17 and 20, regarding Common Core, stated that our educators were surprised that Common Core tests were tough. Why...
Those living inside the Garden State probably have a different concept about what life is like within New Jersey than those living outside of New Jersey....
Rutger’s University has been making the news lately – but not for any exemplary accomplishment. Recently, the University had invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice...
Although little media attention has been given to the absentee sheriff of Clark County, Nevada, there are signs in the background of the militia pictures that...
We have it in our power to begin the world over again. –Thomas Paine Last week my wife, young children and I were touring Arizona...
The Cliven Bundy incident exposed many issues within our government that have bewildered the uninformed. Those familiar with United Nations Agenda 21, however, were not surprised...
There’s something about America’s stubborn sense of independence and strong families that forms the bedrock of greatness in this country. The rest of the world does...
Prior to revealing once again what duplicitous, dishonest race baiting liars infest The New York Times and the spinelessness which continues to ulcerate the Republican Party...
Is this still America? Geographically, yes; ideologically, no! Our freedoms have been compromised and our government is beyond corrupt.