As you ponder the spectacle of Obama acting like a king, remember this: Criminals mock society’s laws. Your compassion is a weakness that your enemies do...
Yesterday the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service broke wide-open. Angry members of a key subcommittee (including half its Democrats!) took turns denouncing the agency and...
The IRS scandal grows by the hour. Every hour shows more proof that the Internal Revenue Service behaved badly, and always has. But people aren’t looking...
Members and leaders of conservative groups (and libertarian groups, too) have long suspected it. Yesterday the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted it. The IRS actually apologized...
Concerning honoring the office of President, Theodore Roosevelt had this to say: Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by...
Is it too late for our country? The dust has long since settled regarding this past Presidential election which has embittered, disappointed and jaundiced many of...
Traitors can come from a myriad of places – but none are more effective than those foxes that have been entrusted to watch the henhouse. We can...
Can you believe Obama actually said this? As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and...
In my last article I stated the NJGOP is the only state Republican Party in the Union that has not adopted the Republican National Committee Platform....
In Parts One and Two of this series on education reform I discussed both the problems of government-run education and the possible solutions. In essence, the...