Tax season is a good time to review the Ayn Rand theory of government, and what services she found necessary and proper to good order. Those...
Saul Alinksy may be gone but his tactics live on. The intolerance of those on the left who preach tolerance is truly astounding. As they seek...
I fully intended to limit this series to the areas where the UN is usurping our sovereignty through Agenda 21, the Convention on the Rights of...
Seventeen years ago, a young United States Attorney told sympathetic listeners that “we must really brainwash people” against guns. He really meant to “brainwash” away the...
A new Executive Order released in the Friday Afternoon Document Dump has electrified the on-line Patriot community. Some are screaming, “Martial Law!” In fact, this order...
New Jersey has a Senate race this fall, the first since the Tea Party movement began. On March 10, the New Jersey Tea Party Caucus held...
As I think about the appalling lack of coverage given to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation regarding Obama’s fraudulent citizenship, the words of an old song go...
As stated in Part I, oral argument on the constitutionality of Obama-care will take place on March 26-28, 2012. But whatever the Court decides, the integrity...
Many still believe we are living in a Constitutional Republic governed by the Rule of Law. Unfortunately, America is at a crossroads in which the freedoms...
Are liberals really smarter than conservatives? Or are libertarians smarter than anyone else? A recent column in The Daily Mail suggests so. True or not, it...