Today’s Trump elevator pitch almost needs no introduction and no urging. CNAV urges President-elect Donald J. Trump to go on thinking like the hard-nosed businessman he...
“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being...
The phenomenon of complicity in murder did not begin with the Labor-led government of Yitzhak Rabin, the Government that consummated the Israel-PLO Agreement of September 13,...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personifies perhaps the most pernicious error in Israel’s foreign policy, the belief in hasbara. Before elaborating on this theme, I must mention...
Security has ever been the mantra of Israeli prime ministers. Why did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently say, in effect, that his fondest wish is to...
Critical history may be said to have begun, when, as legend has it, the patriarch Abraham smashed the idols adorning his father’s house in the pagan...
True, no one likes making insurance payments. but anyone who has responsibilities regarding family members or employees understands the need for it. When a person acquires...
The current administration has been riddled with suspicion for many clear-thinking people. At this point in history, some of those suspicions have proved well-justified and others...
To allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons is to make a strategic error of historic proportions. Indeed, the George W. Bush administration made its greatest error...
This is not a prediction. It is not a call to revolution, yet. But what it is, is a warning of what may lie directly in...