To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. – President George Washington America knows that one great obstacle...
If the question “what difference does it make?” is referring to the Sept. 11th attack in Benghazi – the answer is “plenty!”
“May Day” when repeated three times is recognized worldwide as a cry for help in life threatening situations. The call is traditionally used by mariners and...
What if I told you that the Health-care legislation we call Obamacare grants Obama the authority to create his own personal Army Corps in violation of...
There is no way, with my limited service as a draftee during the Viet Nam era, that I can even begin to compare my time in...
We’ve been at war now continuously since I was born, fifty-six years ago, and having served two decades active in the Corps, I still don’t have...
The National Security Agency first lied about the NSA surveillance program. They said they were running no such program. (“N-n-not w-w-wittingly.”) Now they brazenly assert they...
How does one diagnose Walter Duranty Syndrome? A news organ publishes a report at wild variance with the facts as others understand them. When those others...
The promised Barack Obama transparency never came true. Instead we got the Obama secret government policy. And now two federal judges, and even a select group...
Let me begin with a categorical statement that, given current events and recent political history, can be easily defended: Barack Hussein Obama is a willful, indoctrinated...