The old concept of world government has surfaced again, today via the United Nations affinity of Barack Obama. But it has come more insidiously via his...
Everyone who values life, liberty or property knows Barack Obama has been systematically violating the Constitution. Nor is he alone in doing this, nor even are...
There has been much discussion regarding Hillary Clinton’s remark about the deplorables in Trump’s basket. In her attempt to define the majority of her competitor’s supporters,...
Today, the Israel Daily News Service, alias “Honest Reporting,” pushed this article to its subscribers. It describes a drill having the name – I kid you...
Many would rather believe a lie because truth demands a response. Now we have another example. This last week information came out that Americans suspected a...
Infamy. By Robert K. Tanenbaum. New York: Gallery Books, 2016
Americans have long set aside days to remember our men and women in uniform, some of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our God-given freedoms.
Many years ago we heard a lot about a silent majority. What is it? It is an unspecified large majority of people in our country. They...
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. – Abraham Lincoln
The citizens of America, who boast of the most college-educated graduates, are approaching their nation’s November 2016 election.