Seventeen years ago, a young United States Attorney told sympathetic listeners that “we must really brainwash people” against guns. He really meant to “brainwash” away the...
A new Executive Order released in the Friday Afternoon Document Dump has electrified the on-line Patriot community. Some are screaming, “Martial Law!” In fact, this order...
Obama face flags are new evidence of a disturbing possibility: that Barack H. Obama is building a personality cult based on himself. His disdain for the...
Was Barack H. Obama born in Kenya? The international press suspected that in 2008, before the election. Today, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s team tried to find records...
Iran shows every sign of trying to hide its nuclear program from the rest of the world. Meanwhile, Barack H. Obama turns out to have offered...
Has Barack Obama become the country’s greatest gun pitchman? Gun sales are now so brisk that gun stores are running short of guns and ammunition. And...
The Obama birth certificate controversy is more than a “conspiracy theory,” now that a law-enforcement agency has found probable cause to suspect forgery. This creates a...
As I think about the appalling lack of coverage given to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation regarding Obama’s fraudulent citizenship, the words of an old song go...
The mainstream media, ever late to the party, are at last reporting on the Obama birth certificate story. Most of their reports drip with scorn. But...
Hillary Clinton started the Obama birth certificate story. It did not start with any conservative opponent of Barack H. Obama. And it has never gone away...