It was reported in the Jerusalem Post of March 28, 2016, that an Israeli soldier shot an incapacitated “Palestinian,” really a Muslim, terrorist in Hebron.
Oberlin College’s assistant professor, Joy Karega, teaches Rhetoric and Composition. Whether pitifully ignorant of Islam or intentionally following a path of rhetoric and propaganda, a typical...
Even after Paris, San Bernadine, and Brussels, Western political analysts and politicians persist in the timidity of political correctness by closing their eyes to reality. It’s...
Donald Trump was tongue-tied in a FOX News interview when he vaguely referred to the murderous tendency of adherents to Islam. He wants to vet and...
Muhammad is the role-model of Muslims, hence of Barack Obama, who proudly calls himself a Muslim. How curious, since Muhammad was a warlord, whereas Obama coos...
Hillary Clinton did not beat Bernie Sanders. But if you thought it did, that is all that matters to her, her campaign, or her allies.
What does the foreign policy of the mellifluous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the virtually incoherent teleprompter President Barack Obama have in common?
What kind of person can say, as Hillary Clinton said, “We didn’t lose a single person” in Libya, when she was Secretary of State, on September...
“Guilt,” writes Ben Hecht in Perfidy, “does not make a politician outcast, whether he’s Jewish, British, or Nazi, for the politician is never guilty as a...
We are continuing our series on Western Civilization, its destruction, and what that means for us today. Last time we talked about “financialization,” and how banks...