GENESIS 1:2 …and darkness was on the face of the deep… Verse 2 goes on to say, “and darkness was on the face of the deep.”...
Ebola has arrived in the United States. This arrival challenges the philosophical foundations of Progressivism and libertarianism. It also challenges the public policies of the last...
One would think with all of the admiration Barack Hussein Obama has from the American people (so the state-run media would have you believe) the least...
In spite of America’s greatness, many people today feel less free and don’t believe elected officials represent them. The federal government seems like a foreign country,...
Herr Doktor Mengele, rufen Sie Ihren Anwalt! Jemand plagiieren Ihre Ideen. No, we’re not trying to invoke Josef Mengele from beyond the grave. But if he...
This is a story of lies, political corruption and arrogance that led to the extortion of a respected small business owner and effected an entire community....
Back in the days of Al Capone, racketeers could usually be found in Speakeasies or clandestinely taking numbers on dimly lit street corners. Today’s racketeers can...
Does de facto President Barack Obama want to appoint Eric Holder to the Supreme Court of the United States? Chuck Norris fears so. But he might...
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, did today what Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Nixon’s Ambassador to the United Nations, once did. He “gave them hell at the...
Genesis tells us God created an earth “without form and void.” As we shall see, that comes remarkably close to the understanding of early creation by...