This is not a prediction. It is not a call to revolution, yet. But what it is, is a warning of what may lie directly in...
According to the renowned Talmudist and Torah philosopher, Dr. Chaim Zimmerman (z”l), there is no such thing as a secular Jew!1 The commonplace distinction between “religious”...
President Obama casually dismisses the murder of some white police officers by black Americans in Dallas, Texas. He refers instead to the heinous deeds of Christians...
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure.” –President Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton was regarded by no less than Talleyrand as the greatest statesman of his age, greater than Pitt, Fox, and Napoleon. Hamilton was not only...
In 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed the creation of a “Palestinian” state on the God-given Land of Israel.
As the nation celebrated its 240th year since it declared its independence from England, the Declaration of Independence was read around the country. That brilliant document...
During the past seven and one half years, at the hands of the followers of Islam, as inspired by the great prophet and molester of children,...
In a National Review article of July 2, 2016, Josh Gelernter writes: “The U.K. has shown its contempt for anti-democratic international unions by leaving the EU....
“….Whenever the legislators endeavour (sic) to take away, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of War with...