The courage to do nothing is sorely lacking, not only in medicine but also in government and macro-economics. This lack will hurt worse until we remedy...
The media - and sadly the President's task force - peddle propaganda to excuse overly harsh measures. At least two officials, however, are refusing.
The Constitution tells the job of Presidents, governors, and mayors. Executive orders must obey the Constitution or else have neither force nor effect.
Rahm’s Rule states: never let a good crisis go to waste. China and its puppet World Health Organization engineered this crisis, to follow that rule.
The United States military is wrong to accommodate Muslim dress and grooming in its ranks. Have people soon forgotten the Fort Hood incident?
The President's 2020 budget cuts nothing but slows the rate of increase. The F-35 fighter illustrates the room to cut even the military budget.
The Wuhan Flu might well be a bioweapon. That best explains the frankly panicked Officer Barbrady response from the Chinese government.
The Wuhan Flu may or may not be an escaped biological weapon. It is certainly an embarrassment and therefore a threat to government power.
The Likud always likes to say, "Only the Likud can do such-a-thing." They seem capable only of compromising on principle.
The President need not, should not, must not overlook treason by his predecessor or any of his opponents. It's time to prosecute.