The old concept of “world government” has surfaced again, today via elusive pronouncements and insidious policies of Barack Obama, an oxymoronic self-professed Muslim, Marxist, and Moral...
Now that Donald Trump has apparently secured the Republican nomination, it is time, actually it’s well past time, that we consider just exactly what it is...
Israelis need to face the awful truth: the foreign policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu foreign policy is spiritually barren, intellectually stagnant, and politically defeatist –...
In 2009, Fatah, the leading faction of the Palestinian Authority (which is the 1993 successor of the PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization), confirmed that the Charter of the...
On December 22, 1939, the French newspaper l’Epoque reported that Germany’s agents of influence in France were engaged in a plot to convince Marshall Petain to...
Six years ago, I started reading articles challenging whether Barack Obama was ever eligible to have sought the Office of President of the United States. The...
Our Founders did everything they could to prevent the Executive Branch from becoming a monarchy ruled by tyrannical and despotic kings. In Federalist Paper #68, Alexander...
Fools aside, everyone knows that the so-called Jewish State of Israel is at war with the factitious Palestinian Authority (PA). Unless Israel acts like a sovereign...
Journalist Caroline Glick is rightly disturbed by what she calls “Our Estranged Generals” But we need to go beneath the journalistic surface and expose the pernicious...
At the beginning of January 2016, an organization called NORPAC––a lobby whose mission is to support candidates and sitting members of Congress “who demonstrate a genuine...