As March 1st looms closer and closer and the dreaded automatic government spending cuts (Sequestration) begin to kick in, the fear mongering, the deception and the...
Within hours of the inaugural speech by Barack Obama, varying opinions fell like a hard rain in the jungle.
“What difference does it make?” Hillary Clinton dares ask the country. Specifically, “what difference does it make” why Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens became the first US...
Yesterday the Rotund Minstrel Show and its supporting cast of phony political hypocrites put on a performance that Obama and Slick Willie would be proud of....
As Hurricane Sandy comes near and grows stronger, the pundit class speculates on whom the storm might help more (or hurt worse): Barack Obama or his...
Three times during the Benghazi attack, employees at the US consulate in Benghazi begged for help. Fox News Channel has the e-mails to prove that. And...
Late last evening, Fox News Channel broke the amazing story that proves, beyond doubt, that Obama and his administration knew immediately that the Benghazi attack on...
Any normal school student could research and find the heart of the Lincoln administration and of Abraham Lincoln himself, in very short time. Discovering Lincoln’s sole...
The Obama administration doesn’t seem to know what to say, from one day to the next, about why mobs killed an ambassador and three other men... (a watchdog organization) estimates that Obama made an incredible list of promises during his 2008 campaign, of which he has fulfilled roughly 24%. To be...