Disinformation pervades the American culture and exists for a subversive purpose. We see it especially in education and the climate change debate.
Discredited theories of overpopulation and overutilization are the latest propaganda from the Left to justify a political takeover.
The mass media today are promoting a false narrative, describing popular support for subversive movements when that support does not exist.
Climate change is the latest world socialism gambit. And from the start, those who promote the alarm knew they were lying.
Military veterans commit suicide significantly more often than the rest of us. Is it because they're simply war-weary? Will anything stop it?
Tax policy in America and various States has its basis in a false premise and an unconstitutional tax, agreed upon by 545 people who should know...
Antisemitism has reached a fever pitch in the persons of two new Members of Congress. Why do any Jews, even Democrats, give them a pass?
Anyone who believes Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, ignores much evidence to the contrary. Many would benefit from his death, enough to ensure it.
Accusing Donald Trump or any of his followers of white supremacy leanings is an exercise in projection. The goal: government supremacy over the individual.
The United States withdrew from the INF treaty and ostensibly blamed the Russians. But China, not Russia, is the real target.