Anyone who believes Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, ignores much evidence to the contrary. Many would benefit from his death, enough to ensure it.
Accusing Donald Trump or any of his followers of white supremacy leanings is an exercise in projection. The goal: government supremacy over the individual.
The United States withdrew from the INF treaty and ostensibly blamed the Russians. But China, not Russia, is the real target.
Michael Moore recently warned his fellow travelers about several issues they never considered. Happily, solutions to those issues are available.
After any incident in which one shooter kills many, the Mainstream Media blame civilian gun ownership. And they ignore certain evidence...
Two mass shootings in as many cities, and multiple small-scale shootings in one city, attest to the spiritual deadness of the people.
Donald Trump called attention to the literal rats in Baltimore to tell the figurative rats to clean up their act before criticizing Trump's.
By all odds, the current Congress qualifies as the worst Congress of all time. Even the Second Continental was better than this.
The mass media yet again try to sell avowed leftists as the most admired people in America, though many Americans deny any such admiration.
The Equality Act effectively mandates that male and female are the same, which they are not. It is a threat to liberty, not a boon.