Is President Barack Obama clueless? Does he have any inkling of the insidious nature of Iran, with which he just signed a nuclear weapons agreement, an...
“Schumer is not a Shomer” were the words emblazoned on dozens of placards that were held by some of the 12,000 people who flooded Times Square...
Last week, a senior Planned Parenthood medical officer fell to a “sting” about trafficking in intact tissue from abortion. The head of Planned Parenthood moved quickly...
While the media was totally absorbed in Donald Trump and his attacks against Republicans, the evil progressive, secular humanist movement was continuing its racially biased attack...
The mainstream media are railroading Donald Trump. The dust-up on what he thinks of John McCain gives the latest self-serving example. And Frank Luntz brings shame...
Many of you believe that this Obama Administration is corrupt, manipulative and downright dishonest. You believe that because, well, that is precisely what it is....
Donald Trump broke every rule of business and marketing lately. He told–gasp!–the truth about America’s broken immigration policy. He pointed to the Emperor, as he paraded...
Against an uncompromising enemy, one must have an uncompromising Prime Minister. Hence, the only serious question is how to get such a prime minister; for while...
“Escaping the world before their eyes” is the title of an article of mine published 25 years ago in the Jerusalem Post, on 11 December 1990....
The rule of law is a basic principle of Torah Judaism and of classical democracy. The rule of law affirms that those who make the laws...