Christendom, and the world generally, face a crisis. People must now decide whose authority will govern their thinking. This applies equally to how they live to...
“Islam is not a religion of peace, it’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can.” So says Ayaan Hirsi Ali....
We often speak of the “dignity of man.” In fact we tacitly assert man is the only creature to which we ascribe “dignity”. We may love...
“Out of these troubled times… A new world order can emerge, a new era. Free from the threat of terror, today that new world is struggling...
Middle East expert Daniel Pipes focuses public attention on a distinction between Muslim moderates and extremists. He also distinguishes between Islamism and militant Islam from Islam...
George Weigel, the Catholic theologian, wrote this about Islam in Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism (2008):
William Bennett, former Education Secretary under Ronald Reagan said, “In America today, the longer you stay in school, the dumber you get…” You get dumb from...
Fifty years of Star Trek definitely touched on philosophical issues. But the absence of treatment of religious issues speaks volumes about religion in Star Trek. This...
Throughout the long history of mankind, at least through the recorded epochs, there have been many forms of religious practices. Many periods, prior to a written...
“We (People) are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.” So said John Locke.