The Adult Catholic Education program, held recently at a local Catholic parish hall, was entitled, “Under Abraham’s Tent: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the World Today.” ...
On September 1, 2010, James Lee walked into the offices of the Discovery Channel and took three hostages. In four hours of “negotiations,” he demanded air...
The debate between creation and evolution became explicitly political last night. An incumbent Representative set that stage last month. He introduced, for the second time, a...
Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.) spoke yesterday at the Reagan Library. His subject: a “silent war against religious liberty.” No one can reasonably dispute that. Obama administration...
Since the close of the Bill Nye v. Ken Ham debate two nights ago (February 4, 2014: 9:30 p.m.), many creation advocates, besides Answers in Genesis,...
Two nights ago (February 4, 2014), Bill Nye (“the Science Guy”) and Ken Ham, director of Answers in Genesis, held their debate. The subject should have...
Tomorrow, Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” will debate Ken Ham before a live audience and a live Internet stream. Subject: whether creationism is “a viable model...
Not everyone is afraid to say that today’s political climate in America, is filled with foreboding and for the first time since the civil war days...
Two days ago, the journal Nature published a shocking report. The dwarf planet Ceres has water vapor on it, and is actively releasing it. This finding...
There are men and women in the thousands who have fought, bled and died to give us the freedoms we now possess. They are six feet...