Two years ago yesterday, a jury convicted Dr. Kermit Gosnell, now the nation’s most notorious abortion doctor, of Murder One. He now must serve three life...
This morning, WND reports on another sick-making homeschool case from Germany. Two parents, trying to homeschool their children, could go to prison for four years. The...
The Supreme Court declared, “We are a Christian people…according to one another the equal right of religious freedom, and acknowledging with the reverence the duty of...
My assigned topic for the National Day of Prayer was religious liberty. It caused me to think long and hard about where we started as a...
Freedom of speech was silenced in Athens when that otherwise liberal democracy gave Socrates the hemlock. Of course, it may be stretching things to regard Athens...
Before beginning the next part of this Counterpoint series, I would like to ask two critical questions:
Enceladus, ninth moon of Saturn, confounded planetary scientists when Voyager 2 reconnoitered it in 1981. Every rocket-probe reconnaissance of Enceladus confounds them more. If this and...
I’ve got a question for you? Where has God ever failed a faithful man or faithful woman of God or His Church?
As discussed in Parts 1 and 2 of this series, I will be reviewing the most popular biology textbook in America, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006, Biology, written...
By now the scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton, her private e-mail server, and her private family foundation have the country buzzing. All but David Brock at Media...