Good government in a free society keeps positive and negative liberty in balance. These two forms of liberty are out-of-balance today. Positive and negative liberty –...
Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) has always been a global warming alarmist. He still is, despite pulling out of RGGI recently. A conservative sounds the alarm on...
Those who call our Constitution outdated forget that the Constitution protects our freedom. If that’s outdated, so is freedom. Constitution outdated – who says? Barack H....
Barney Frank told The Boston Globe today that he did not “compromise” his “legislative role” when he got his live-in partner Herb Moses a job at...
The RGGI NJ debate ended abruptly today, when Governor Chris Christie pulled New Jersey out of the ten-state cap-and-trade program. RGGI NJ announcement Christopher Baxter of...
The latest Obama speech, before the British parliament, shows that Obama is loyal to the United Nations, not the United States. Obama does not say this...
What is the easiest way to kill business in the USA? A thing called RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. What is RGGI? It is the...
Newt Gingrich said some very un-conservative things today, and ruined his reputation by doing it. And he might never undo the damage.
The Constitution says who may run for President. President Obama makes light of that rule and thus shows disrespect for the Constitution.
A bill recently reported out of a key Senate committee would vest the authority to appoint several hundred executive-branch officers in the President alone—and not all...