Thirteen State legislatures have arguably committed treason by giving sanctuary, drivers' licenses, etc. to illegal aliens.
Robert Mueller spent more than two years investigating, and found nothing. Now someone should investigate those who instigated the investigation.
Shouting FIRE in a crowded theater is not protected speech, if no fire exists. But when it does exist, the shout might be imperative.
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) applies to any treatment of the attempted Muslim invasion of the USA and of commentators' attempt to alert us to it.
Donald Trump is exercising no more than his inherent power to repel an invasion. That the invasion is chronic, not acute, does not weaken this power.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) thinks he is defending the Constitution. In fact the inaction of Congress forced Trump to use his inherent power.
National emergency is a serious phrase for a serious problem. If Congress won't act, the President must. And: who benefits from this national emergency?
Ilhan Omar is the poster child for Muslims, fighting a war of civilization by deception, as Muhammad taught her and others.
The Tech Tyrants are the companies that helped connect everyone and now decide who may speak and who may not. Government isn't the answer.
Socialism is a hard sell, except to overgrown children who, like Peter Pan's Lost Boys, never grow up. Socialism is a fantasy world, never real.