In light of the horrific shootings in schools and other places advertised as “Gun Free Zones” some hard questions need to be asked. These questions, as...
Over these past two centuries the wilderness that was to become the most glorious, the most powerful, the most charitable and the most prosperous nation in...
Clearly and without any doubt the person calling himself Barack Obama is hiding something. This thing is not small or insignificant. One does not spend millions...
There was a time when Glenn Beck found himself sprawled on his kitchen floor wallowing in a brew of booze and vomit. He reminisces, with his...
The recent angst over the Confederate Battle Flag and its supposed symbolism should anger every black man and woman in the country who claim ancestry from...
If you were searching for a new employee to fill a particular position, would you search in every vocational category ranging from ditch digger to nuclear...
Over the centuries mankind has developed technology, made amazing breakthroughs in science and medicine. We have just barely begun to understand the spectacular vastness of the world...
Several months ago during a conversation with a fellow Patriot the discussion turned to the upcoming SAPPA legislation initiative and some of the hurdles which heretofore...
Dear Governor Christie, It is certain you clearly understand that our beautiful state has been governed by progressives and their leftist policies, which have for several...
The last six years Obama has systematically shredded the Constitution as Congress cowered, reminiscent to the Reichstag before Hitler. Hopefully the American citizen has had enough...