We have yet to identify the enemy. The enemy is not ISIS (or ISIL, as Barack Obama pleases himself to call it). The enemy is not “radical” Islam. The...
Islamic led Hezbollah is a client of Iran, Hezbollah’s leader in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, boasted of having a great arsenal of weapons at the ready, including...
It would be a strategic error of historic proportions for the United States to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Indeed, the greatest error of the...
I have been thinking of Chelm* lately, not the real industrial town in Poland, home to about 18,000 Jews (60% of the population) until they were...
Isn’t it remarkable that Israel and America, which may be two of the three most powerful nations on earth, kow-tow to the paltry Palestinian Authority? Isn’t...
Certainly not all Muslims are terrorists who are going around blowing people up. In fact, many can be said to be living at peace with their...
From a November 28, 2015 report of Israpundit, we learn: “Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the terror wave as...
America, a liberal, secular democratic state, is ideologically and psychologically disinclined to fight a religious war against Islam, even though the leaders of Islam have declared...
Let every friend (real or nominal), and especially every enemy, of Israel, take note of these facts:
Yale and Mizzou students effectively ran off a school president and a chancellor all in the name of PC and liberal notions of a fantasy zone...