To the best of my knowledge, when I was growing up everyone had a pushke, a tin can that served as an alms box. I remember...
In this report I am going to read and comment on excerpts from Haaretz journalist Ari Shavit’s interviews with three men on the issue of the...
Should Israel quietly ally with Egypt? The thought would seem incredible nearly sixty years ago. Egypt started a war with Israel, and lost badly. (Egypt almost...
It has often been said that Bibi is Israel’s most intelligent prime minister. Let’s make a simple test of what his intelligence amounts to.
The Vatican has signed a treaty with the pagan State of Palestine. [Source: Reuters] This so-called state is nothing more than a consortium of pagan organizations...
Confronted by a hostile Obama Administration, Jews must recognize that Israel is all the more in need of a clearly defined Jewish national strategy. Needed is...
Back in 2000 I wrote a piece, “Israel Needs Another Golda.” Remember the witticism about Golda, that she was the only man in Israel’s Cabinet? Well,...
May 14, 2015 will be recorded as the day on which Israel’s 34th Government was sworn into office. Since the modern state of Israel was founded in...
“Let’s Pretend” is of course a children’s game. The leaders of Israel’s government have been playing this game for decades, and, like children, they have not...
Although the renowned Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) does not speak of Islam, his understanding of mendacity may shed light on the nature of Israel’s Islamic...