The true narrative of people in Gaza is dependence on others. This even includes dependence on Israel, their declared enemy.
The long war in Afghanistan is about to end. Afghanistan will revert to status quo ante 9/11. Or will its new leaders build the peace they...
Dr. Ariel Handel, in his latest essay, mischaracterizes the real aggressors in the Six-day War and otherwise ignores key facts on the ground.
The Wuhan Flu might well be a bioweapon. That best explains the frankly panicked Officer Barbrady response from the Chinese government.
The Wuhan Flu may or may not be an escaped biological weapon. It is certainly an embarrassment and therefore a threat to government power.
Moses gave Pharaoh a message from God: Let My people go. Netanyahu should give this message to the world: leave My Land alone.
The Iranians now admit to shooting down Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752, most probably by mistake. The wider contexts shows a very unstable country.
While Jordan races to reclaim two borderlands after a 25-year lease is up, remember that Jordan was originally part of the Land of Israel.
The Kurds face attack yet again after President Trump removed U.S. troops from a hot zone. Should Israel now defend the Kurds, as they have before?
MK (formerly Aluf) Yair Golan is a retired general who acts like an American Democrat, throwing off on an opponent who wants what's best for Israel.