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Obamacare spells doom for Democrats



Barack Obama in a happier, more brazen, time for him.

How serious are the problems with Obamacare, or the Patient Protection (racket) and (Not) Affordable Care Act? This will cost several Democrats their seats in Congress. Many Democrats won those seats (or won them back) in 2008 and 2012. Barack Obama promised the moon to the American people. Those Senators and Representatives echoed that promise. But those promises were false when the Democrats made them. And everyone who cares to know, knows this.

The Obamacare website: “hit or miss”

Last night the Obamacare website ( shut down for maintenance at 9:00 p.m. EST. It was supposed to be up at  8:00 a.m. The site is live. But it still shows this disclaimer:

The Health Insurance Marketplace online application isn’t available from approximately 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. EST daily while we make improvements. Additional down times may be possible as we work to make things better. The rest of the site and the Marketplace call center remain available during these hours.

(Editor’s disclaimer: CNAV will not link to It is still vulnerable to security breach and unauthorized access to your personal information. Experts in IT say that. Those experts say that, not in political organs, but in profession al organs like Information Week. And the developers have not addressed the concerns those experts keep raising.)

“Hit or miss,” an Obamacare “navigator” admitted to in an article last night.

There have definitely been more hits lately than in the past. But I know there are cases where people still get locked out when they try to purchase a plan.

Is that anyway to run an e-commerce site? That same article quotes an insurance broker, talking about how frustrates them:


This week has become the breaking point. I have several clients this week that have said exactly that: “I give up. I don’t care what the federal subsidy is. Enroll me in a plan. I’ll pay the premium.”

Now does the government define an Obamacare website fix?

The government has added storage capacity to the data center and boosted processing power so it should be able to handle 800,000 visits a day and 50,000 users simultaneously.

Eight hundred thousand visits per day? Fifty thousand visits at once? This is progress?

Obamacare is another radical proposal from a radical (de facto) President

Obama’s radical plans compared to Karl Marx. Montage: Greg Tew, CC BY 2.0 Generic License

Last night, de facto President Barack Obama and his wife sat before Barbara Walters on the 20/20 TV program. There he called Obamacare

a legacy I will be proud of.

If he meant to destroy the health care system as we know it, and turn it into the kind of total rationing that the old Soviet Union had, maybe he would be proud. That’s the kind of thing his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, would point to with pride.

I continue to believe and (I’m) absolutely convinced that, at the end of the day, people are going to look back at the work we’ve done to make sure that in this country, you don’t go bankrupt when you get sick, that families have that security

No, sir. Obamacare will bankrupt the country, make everybody sicker than ever, and make families dependent on the government. Unless a new Congress and especially a new Senate repeals it.

Did Republicans sabotage Obamacare?

Absolutely not. Investors Business Daily has a helpful list of the ways Republicans have “fixed” this law. Obama even signed some of their “fixes” into law. Of course, Obama won’t let anyone change the roots of the program. He’ll never admit the program has appallingly bad roots.


As we have said before: the Democrats own it all. With their Marxist philosophy, the way they passed the bill without a single Republican vote, and forcing a shutdown of the government over Obamacare, they staked their reputations and their futures on this program. Now Obama must have known this program would fail. (Either that or he is not as smart as he pretends.) But many Democrats seem not to have known.

Democrats panic

Democrats are panicking. Thirty-nine of them did vote with Republicans on a recent measure to force Obama to keep a promise. Now that’s panic. But you can also tell a panic by how a megalomaniac reacts to it.

Four days ago, Obama took note that some Democratic politicians are scared they’ll lose elections over Obamacare. And what did he accuse them of? Urinary incontinence! See here and here, and then try to deny that.

Obama and his advisers have thrown this at their supporters before. David Plouffe used the common vulgar term in October of 2012. Someone on Democratic Underground took exception to that.

And now the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee accuses the mainstream media of working against them!


After an onslaught of Republican attacks on Obamacare, the national media thinks it’s time for us to throw in the towel.

That’s a lie. The truth: for a few days the mainstream media covered the story only after Fox News and other outlets scooped them. Now they’ve gone back to form as the house organs of the Democratic Party. Barbara Walters (see link above and video below) gives the world a prize example.

Not all Democrats are panicking. Some are “doubling down.” Most of these are Democratic Senators who won their seats in 2012 and won’t face the voters again in 2018. Others are Democratic Representatives in seats that have always been “safe” for them.

Maybe this midterm election season will show how safe, or unsafe, their seats are.

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Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Tonto USA

I have a sneaky hunch that there will be changes…and been saying so for 5 years now. The left of the dems will morph into the New Communist Party of the US, the dems and the RINO GOP members will become the New Dem Party….and the right wing of the GOP and the Independent Constitutionalists, Conservatives and Libertarians will become the New Tea Party (or some new name or something) and clobber it’s way into power over the next few years. Hopefully, we will regain some semblance of sanity and return to the Republic.

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