America needs a Fourth (Fifth?) Great Awakening, to combat the bitter fruits of turning away from God, including crime and immorality.
Minnesota's CAIR chapter, that we know has terror ties, now attacks Minnesota clergy. The mainstream media not only covers for them but assists them.
We warned you. The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the Framers of the Constitution, might tell us just that.
Protest has been part of Christianity since its inception and was part of Israelite life also. Christianity demands resistance to tyrants.
The President need not, should not, must not overlook treason by his predecessor or any of his opponents. It's time to prosecute.
The U.S. government is failing Americans in many ways. But maybe we're getting the government we deserve, being unwilling to turn from sin.
Vigilante justice increasingly substitutes for official justice when lawful processes fail in pedophilia cases. We see this worldwide.
Tyrants thrive when people are apathetic, but apathy can't last forever. Virginia is now the prize example as people respond directly.
Politicians - and some judges - are now handing out licenses to illegal immigrants. This constitutes treason against the United States.
Parents of 600 Birmingham children pulled them out of school to protest sexually oriented classes. But these were UK Muslims, not American Christians.