“Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a third-term congressman and a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. On the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights page on his...
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” So said James Madison to the Constitutional...
America’s sworn enemies have stated that the “American people’s god has now become sports. So attack.” And attacking they are.
The “change” that America was sold by this administration was deceptive in that people believed the president was paralleling change with reclamation and restoration to our...
I continue my series on The Church Militant with this quote from Catherine Booth co-founder of The Salvation Army:
Some people love to pull your hair, smack you in the face, assault you and your livelihood, and then have the audacity to cry victim. George...
Editor’s note: “Church militant” has a special meaning in Christian theology, including Roman Catholic. The phrase means those Christians living on earth should act like a...
My ministry set up a booth at the Minnesota State Fair August 22 – Labor Day, as we have been for several years. Within hours of...
Editor’s note: What is an “end-timer”? One who confidently expects Jesus to return to earth, sometime in future. But “end-timer” can also mean one who will...
As the gun-control issue rages on – and rest assured, friends, it is raging on – gun-grabbing criminals tell one contrived or fabricated lie after another,...