“Human passions unbridled by morality and religion…would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.” – John Adams
Barbarism1 means as the inability or unwillingness to recognize another person as a human being. This definition fully applies to Muslims who refer to non-Muslims as...
The mere fact that Zionist organizations have failed to have any discernible impact on the land-for-peace policy of Israeli governments from Begin to Netanyahu suggests they...
I never cease to be astonished by the chutzpah of most Israeli Prime Ministers. Their policies suggest they personally own the Land of Israel and can...
Our American tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving has often been reduced to discussions about the turkey with little regard for the Pilgrims – whom we regard as...
The phenomenon of college professors inciting students to vehemently and violently protest against Mr. Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States should be understood...
On 27 October 2016, controllers for the New Horizons deep-space mission achieved a milestone. They got back the last data from their spacecraft’s flyby of the...
Recall how the patriarch Abraham questioned God in His decision to destroy Sodom:
Creation, or young-earth creation, is not the only position to contradict atheistic evolution. Old-earth creation offers an alternative. Any Biblical apologist must deal with it. That...
The resolution of the God issue, which involves the sanctification of God’s Name, should be the paramount purpose of the State of Israel. That and that...